Ingenuity and Continuity since 1979. NovaTech Automation has been making it easier for electric utilities and process manufacturers to keep the lights on and food, fuels, and other daily essentials flowing. Our technologies and engineering expertise help them simplify tasks, reduce risk, and increase return on assets as their businesses and the planet to evolve. Our customers face the challenge of meeting new demands while preserving their legacy equipment. For more than 40 years, we’ve supported them by providing best-in-class automation solutions with continuous migration paths.
NovaTech Automations can assist customers in many ways.
Their AMP (Augmented Manual Procedures) helps Error-proof your manual tasks by Improving plant safety and performance by integrating manual tasks with any control system, database, or digital device. Integrating smart and mobile devices and their wealth of data into the enterprise to be analyzed for greater safety and performance is the promise of Industry 4.0. AMP leverages the familiar format of the standard operating procedure to integrate manual and automated tasks, and making it easier for operators to do the right thing at the right time, and powering continuous improvement.
Their D/3 products connects to and integrates data from any plant system through Ethernet protocols and OPC, and an extensive library of I/O interfaces for legacy equipment. D/3 is designed in alignment with the Open Process Automation Forum (OPAF) guidelines. If you can think it, the D/3 can do it. Its agile Sequence and Batch Language (SABL) programming environment is built around S88 and S106 standards, so there’s no limit to the process variables you can tweak and adjust.